How Can You Help?
We might have three separate church buildings but we are one community.
Your talents and time are welcomed by our existing volunteers.
Take a look below, to see how you can help.
Hospitality after Mass

Monthly tea and coffee after Mass
After the 9.30am Mass last Sunday of the month. Monies donated go to the charities the parish supports: Cafod, the Ukraine Appeal etc.
Monthly after the 11:00am Mass at St Teresa’s on a rota organised by Diane Tierney.
Cakes and volunteers always welcome!
Children's Liturgy

Children's Liturgy is aimed at children of school age, nursery to year 3.
The leaders are committed to sharing the Sunday Gospel in a way that engages young children and allows them to take an active part.
Children's liturgy takes place:
Sunday 9.30am at St Joseph
Sunday 11am at St Teresa's.
Choir | Music Groups

There is a choir at the 9.30am at St Joseph's with traditional hymns and the Music Group play at the 11am Mass in St Teresa's.
We are alway looking for new members to get involved. All welcome!
Welcoming at Mass

Greeters welcome the congregation and are on hand to help when necessary. They give directions, where to take a wheelchair or pram etc. hand out the newsletter with the reading for the day and such like. After Mass they make sure the church is ready for the next celebration.
A rota is organised by:
Mike Cooney at St Joseph's
Sheila Fay at St Teresa of Avila and
Fr Atli at Our Lady of Lourdes

The flower arrangers keep the church beautifully decorated, providing floral displays each week reflecting the liturgical seasons. They are also available for funerals, baptisms, and weddings, if requested.
New volunteers will be given help and support by experienced members. Each arranger does a week at the church they attend but all help for Christmas and Easter. Flowers are normally arranged on Friday or Saturday. The required materials and flowers are paid for by church funds/donations.
Church Cleaning

Each church has a team of dedicated people who would welcome you with open arms as many hands make light work! When the churches are all spick-and-span, you know the cleaning fairies have been!
The churches are cleaned on this timetable:
Thursday 9:00 am at Our Lady of Lourdes
Friday 10.30 am at St Joseph's and
Saturday 10:00 am at St Teresa's.
Just turn up if you want to help!

Proclaiming the word of God is more than just good public speaking. It requires a listening heart that hears and feels the Word proclaimed. The readers prepare for the celebrations by reading the Word, understanding it and praying on it.
The rota of readers for each Mass is coordinated by:
Mike Cooney at St Joseph's
Fr Atli at Our Lady of Lourdes,
Sheila Fay at St Teresa of Avila.
Eucharistic Ministers

The Eucharistic Ministers assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at the Sunday Masses and visit the housebound at home or in care/nursing homes. They bring the Eucharistic presence of our Lord to those who can no longer attend Mass in person.
Visits to the housebound are co-ordinated by the Parish Priest and church rotas are organised by:
Mike Cooney at St Joseph's,
Sheila Fay at St Teresa of Avila and
Fr Atli at Our Lady of Lourdes.
Altar Servers

The altar servers - children and adults - enhance our celebrations with their ministry. They arrive around 15 minutes before Mass, get ready and help set up. There may be a short briefing about the celebration. At the end of the celebration, they tidy the sanctuary, put away the sacred vessels, blow out the candles and together with the sacristan make sure everywhere is tidy.
An adult server oversees the children and young people at each church.